VB Bookmark is a utility that allows you to place bookmarks in your VB code, and then easily jump about and return to the same place later. To install VB Bookmark, unzip this file to a temporary directory. Copy the .exe and .hlp files to the directory of your choice. Copy the .vbx's and .dll to your \system directory. Launch the help file for a complete description of VB Bookmark, or just run VB Bookmark and click on the Help button. The first time VB Bookmark is run it will ask you for the location of Visual Basic. This information will be saved in Bookmark.ini and you will not be asked for it again. Known bugs: When using the Position Option "On VB" in combination with a VGA screen, there is a problem with the coordinates window obscuring the VB Bookmark buttons. A workaround until we get this fixed is to either use only the "Custom" option on a VGA screen, or to maximize the the size of the VB toolbar. In this case only a portion of the Configure button is obscured by the coordinates window. New in v. 1.0 Hotkey capability. For more info see the Help file: on the help file Contents screen, click Configure, then Hotkeys..., then Define. Ability to drag buttonbar to new location without having to bring up the Configuration Screen. Just click on the buttonbar with the right mouse button and drag it to the new desired location. Fixed a bug where in some circunstances clicking on would insert one instead.